
Tuesday, April 06, 2004


For each of the following statements, identify the person who made the statement:

1) "We have problems, there's no hiding that. But basically Iraq is on track to realize the kind of Iraq that Iraqis want and Americans want, which is a democratic Iraq,"

a. President Bush
b. Donald Rumsfeld
c. Ahmed Chalabi
d. Paul Bremer

2) "Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected."

a. Jay Garner
b. Tommy Franks
c. Donald Rumsfeld
d. Baghdad Bob

3) "We will slaughter them, Bush Jr. and his international gang of bastards!"

a. Osama bin Laden
b. Saddam Hussein
c. Baghdad Bob
d. Michael Moore

4) "The operation in Iraq was a tremendous success"

a. Baghdad Bob
b. Richard Perle
c. David Frum
d. President Cheney

5) "Gaarrrggghhh!!! RAAAAARRRRRRRGHHH!"

a. President Cheney
b. President Cheney
c. George W. Bush
d. Andy Sullivan


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