
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Bush chastises Euro-theocrats!

ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- U.S. President George W. Bush has repeated a call for the European Union to admit Turkey, despite criticism by France's President Jacques Chirac that he was meddling in EU affairs.

Bush said Tuesday that Turkey belongs in the EU and that Europe is "not the exclusive club of a single religion" in what amounted to a rebuff to the French leader.

Those Bible-thumping Euro-bigots! It's like they think their god is bigger than everyone else's god!

Seriously, what a bizarre remark by Bush. Maybe, after being questioned by that uppity European journalist about the marching orders he gets from God this is his way of trying to turn the tables.

Update: Digby on Dumbya's presumptuousness

Update No. 2 Digbyon Dumbya's dumbya-ness


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