
Monday, June 14, 2004

It was a DREAM, damn it, don't expect it to make sense!

A reader, who shall remain nameless, although the fact that s/he reads this blog means it can be one of only four people, comments thusly on my "Dreams" entry:

And, maybe it's just me, but "serial killer insurance" just doesn't seem like it would be something that a serial killer would have to PAY. It seems like a risk factor that an insurance company would use to hike the rates on people living in an area that HAD a serial killer.

Sorry I didn't make it clear, or perhaps used the wrong insurance terminology. This was serial killer LIABILITY insurance. To pay claims against me filed by the survivors of people I serially killed. You know, like automobile liability insurance that will pay a claim against you if you run a red light and hit someone . . . or, a homeowners' "umbrella" insurance policy; wherein your insurance company will provide you a defense for covered claims (your neighbor breaks his ankle on a loose board on your porch, or something).

You cannot purchase serial killer liability insurance. I'd ask my agent just to be 100% sure, but I really don't want to run up any red flags, if you know what I mean.

And, like I said, it was a DREAM! Dreams aren't supposed to be realistic.

Now don't anyone write and tell me that it would be impossible to strap Elizabeth Taylor to the roof of a race car on account of she wouldn't fit, 'cause I KNOW that already. ;)


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