
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Sport crabbing

Acidman and daughter went sport crabbing. Sport-crabbing is when you lure the wily blue crab with a chicken neck or fish head tied to a string, as opposed to catching it in a trap.

I went sport-crabbing once with a couple of friends in a canoe in the creek in Garden City Beach. We loaded a cooler full of beer, a crab net, an empty cooler for all the crabs we were going to get, and a bag of chicken necks into the canoe. Then we climbed in. Before we set off, S said, "Whatever you do, if anybody's hat blows off, don't try to grab it. We said, "OK, got it."

So we we were paddling along. I'm sitting in the front, and my baseball cap blew off. T, sitting in the middle behind me, gallantly reached out to grab it. And the canoe started to tip. The horizon tilted before my eyes. I realized we were going all the way over, and just had time to let out a tiny squeak of dismay. Then I was hanging upside down in the drink. I extricated myself from the canoe, but I couldn't come up to the surface of the water - it was a cloudy day, raining intermittently, and I had on this rubber slicker. It filled with water and weighed me down. Also, I was laughing my ass off underwater.

I finally flailed to the surface and the first thing I heard was this man, on his porch overlooking the creek, just GUFFAWING. "AHAHAHAAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Like that. That made me laugh even harder. S and T were grabbing the beers and scooping them back into the canoe and laughing their heads off. We got the canoe and everything out of the creek - luckily we hadn't gotten any crabs so we didn't have to contend with a bunch of pissed-off crabs swimming around us - out of the creek and back on the car, laughing uncontrollably the whole time. The guy on the porch was laughing the entire time too. I'm glad we were able to entertain him.

Later, I said, "I thought I was going to drown. I couldn't get my head above water." S and T said, "Yeah, we saw your ponytail floating on top of the water. We were like, 'why doesn't she come up?'"

"Why the heck didn't you pull up me up?" I said.

"We were saving the beers," they said.


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