
Friday, August 06, 2004

Let me be very blunt here

Speaking of Ted Koppel, he was very blunt in his recent interview with Bruce Springsteen:
Bruce, let me put it very bluntly ... Who the hell is Bruce Springsteen to tell anybody how to vote?


And to put it bluntly — it's a late night broadcast — you're going to piss a lot of people off.

"Let me put it bluntly" must mean "let me cuss."

Charlie Gibson was also very blunt when he interviewed Clinton a while back, on the occasion of Clinton's book release: Mr. Gibson threw in at least one "hell" and one "damn" in the segment I heard.

Now, I know "hell" and "damn" and "piss" aren't the worst cuss words ever. But why all the profanity? To me it seems kinda disrespectful to use that kind of language in an interview with a former president.

To put it bluntly, it looks like Koppel and Gibson are trying real hard to prove they're not a couple of fucking sissies.


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