Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Tuesday night catblogging
Does THAT look like a Boston Terrier to anyone? Hmph.
That's TC last Fall, when he was still in quarantine. That picture cracks me up - he has such a psycho expression. He'd fit right in at mycathatesyou.com.
His Feline Herpes symptoms - the runny nose and eyes - cleared up nicely and he's ridiculously healthy, except for being fat. He was an adolescent kitty in that picture; now he's grown into a hefty cat. He's easily three times bigger than he was then. It's embarrassing to have such a fat cat. I fear it reflects poorly on me. But I don't feed him junk, as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is my witness! I think he porked up because I had to crush up his Lysine tablets in canned food twice a day. He's on a STRICT diet now, though.
I'd nominate him to be the New Face of the Left, but he might scare the moderates and fence-sitters . . .